
I thought I would give an update since I got so many replies and I am thankful for that.

It’s hard to convey reality in posts like these. When you read my post it so obvious that 32/F was not ideal and I agree logically. Emotionally I was infatuated with her. Even though I agree with all of you that I could have asked out 28/F I was holding out because I didn’t want to hurry and destroy my chane with 32/F if she found out I was seeing multiple women.

However the situation solved itself, and I assume this will come as a chock to nobody but 32/F cancelled the day before our 4th date, saying that the idea of letting somebody into her life was causing her panic. We left if there on a good note. I know the only reason you don’t want to go on another date with somebody is because you aren’t interested enough, but I can entertain the “it’s not you, it’s me” if it makes it easier to break up that way.

After that I asked out 28/F, and I told her the truth, the reason why I hadn’t asked earlier was because I was seeing somebody and I wanted to see that through first. She said that’s fine, and we went on a date.

I wish this post would have a more satisfying conclussion that finally I got where I needed to go but I didn’t get the same excitement for 28/F. She is ideal on paper but I jumped for joy when I set up a second date with 32/F and I don’t feel the same here.

So, I will throw my hat into the ring again, hoping to find somebody that gives me the same excitment that I got for 32/F, but with somebody that is equally interested in me back.

Anyways, thanks for your time. I wish you all the best

**TLDR:** I am going to be dating neither

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