Me and my girlfriend been living together for 2 months. Before we dated for around 6 months and I met her at work around 1 year ago.
We both work from home remotely currently.

On Monday I asked my gf around 2pm if she would like to go for a run/walk after job (this is something we do from time to time) and she said yes and everything seemed fine.

We both finish around 4pm and work from different rooms. When we finished I went to my gf to ask if we are going but she was asleep. It is next to impossible to wake her up, tried but gave up and went back to second room.

After 1.5 hours she woke up and didn’t say a word. I went to her and she was sad and crying a bit. Asked her if something happened but she said no and that she is just sad. I asked if there is anything I can do to help her or give her like food or water or whatever. She said she doesn’t need anything.

Stayed with her for a moment asked if she wants to go for walk later meaning I will wait and she said no.

Asked her again if there is anything I can do for her and she said no so I said ok and decided to give her space. I went for a walk alone for around 45 minutes. I communicated this to her and she knows I will go alone if she doesn’t want to, this is normal for us.

Came back took shower and made myself dinner (asked her if she wants food or whatever) she said no. I ate and she was still lying down kind of being sad.

I laid down with her, hugged her and asked if she wants to watch anything on tv or talk. She asked my why I left her alone and it surprised me.

I said I didn’t and just gave her space and only left for around 45 minutes. I always go for run/walk and it takes around 45 minutes and she knows it. I am the one who encourages us both to move more so sometimes I go alone if she doesn’t want to.

In my opinion I didn’t leave her and my gf said I did and she expected me to stay with her because she was sad. I said she should have communicated her needs instead of saying she doesn’t need anything because I will not guess everything.

So was I an asshole for not caring more for her before I left?

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