How was it? What happened after?

To clarify, I mean a type of kiss like in the end of “The proposal” or similar. I’ve always wondered what happens after; is it awkward?

  1. I’m not sure this is what you mean, but…

    I had a crush on a guy from my social circle for a long time. He was the kind of handsome that would make my heart skip a beat and I would get nervous around him. He never seemed to even acknowledge me, I assumed he wasn’t interested. But we had a very, very slow burn of becoming acquainted, starting with small talk, and group hang outs, and eventually texting all of the time and becoming friends.

    He ended up being the only friend who showed up to help me move. In the rain. It took us 14 hours. It was miserable and I was on the verge of a breakdown.

    But at the end of it we kissed on a balcony during a thunderstorm. I thought that was pretty movie-like.

    It turned out he had a crush on me the entire time too, and tried to avoid me so he wouldn’t be weird.

    Sadly we had a tumultuous relationship that did not end well, but I still look back fondly at the romantic buildup.

  2. My first kiss was with a boy that I let my friends convince me to date. I was fourteen, cut me some slack please. Anyway, he would walk me to class and this particular day he was walking me to PE.

    To get there, we had to cross the huge gymnasium. The girls’ PE teachers were sitting on the bleachers, talking to students as we headed
    to the locker room. I told him “bye” and started walking past my teachers. He grabbed my arm and idk I guess I was confused, so I tugged back without turning around. And then he tugged again, harder, making me like whirl around into him.

    And then right there in front of both my teachers and a handful of students, he kissed me right on the lips like a fucking movie. I was mortified. I said “thanks” or something equally stupid and literally ran to the locker room. Pretty sure I broke up with him by the end of the week.

    And that was the first and last time I ever dated someone just because somebody else told me I should.

  3. It was in his car after we saw *Pirates of the Carribean*. FIREWORKS!!!! 

    He took me back to his place (his mom lived with him). I started playing with his drum set, then he joined in with his bass guitar. His mom came out of her room and were just watching us, saying, “*I’m enjoying the free concert.*”

    Not exactly a Hallmark moment, but it’s definitely memorable after 21 years. 

  4. Ex-boyfriend and I had been discussing our relationship and he was very passionately telling me he never lost his feelings for me.

    At the time, neither of us had a car, so we had to walk to the bus stop. As we stood there, talking about how we really felt, the streetlight came on.

    It started to rain, and I had to get back home. As the bus came, he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back, and we kissed, under the streetlight, in the rain.

    And yes, we got back together.

  5. I had it. I realized afterwards that some people will go their whole lives without a kiss like that, and I’ve always been grateful for that moment. And yes it was in public. But it truly felt like no one else was there. He ended up being the love of my life. He kissed me on a dance floor, and I literally thought to myself, it’s as if I’ve kissed him a million times before and will a million times again. I just knew. So did he. There was no awkwardness after it at all. We knew. We took it from there.

  6. Omg. Me and this coworker had this sexual tension for 2+ years but it was always complicated because he started working alongside my mom LMAO. One day about a year after I quit he asked me out to see a comedy show. It was all casual and we hugged to go our separate ways. I turned to walk away and he grabbed my arm, spun me around, and pulled me back into this *kiss*. I felt like Anne Hathaway in price Princess Diaries! WHEW I still think about it every now and then.

    I should call him… 😭💀💀💀

  7. I was told by a Filipina (that slapped me ) you always ask for that first kiss. Every Latina I dated told me “You never ask.” We had a great relationship for 5 years after that first kiss. That first kiss has always been magical . SO what is it ladies ?

  8. Mine wasn’t very public but it was a nice memory. It was on Valentine’s Day, I arranged an evening of activities that were designed to mimic those cheesy, over-the-top romcom moments. A very cliché sort of love.

    We went skating at a nearby outdoor skating rink and we walked back along the snowy river. When we were in a pretty, quiet spot under a streetlight, I pulled a spray bottle of water out of my bag and started playing rain sounds from my phone. I told him that every decent romcom has a big grand gesture scene where they kiss in the rain, and this was ours. I started spraying the water overtop of us and gave him a long, passionate kiss. It wasn’t awkward after, it was mostly just giggling at how silly the whole thing was. The only bad part was that my hand was really cold from spraying the water above our heads.

  9. Our first kiss was under the fireworks on the beach on Fourth of July. He went in for the kiss after telling me how much he liked me. It was the most magical kiss I’ve ever had in my life, he even says the same.

    Afterward I think we took a break from lockin lips and then talked and then kissed some more. Later that night we cuddled all night and talked and made out more. This was 7 years ago

  10. My first kiss with my ex. We were really close friends and I really fancied him. He drove us to the beach for the day where we chilled and had a picnic. He drove me home after sunset, and a few days later we were supposed to be going to uni. As he pulled up to my house, I said “you can hate me if you want to but I’m gonna say it anyway, I really like you” and he said “I really like you too” and then we kissed. We kissed a few more times and sat in the car for 40mins. It was a really good kiss, which had been worth the wait, and walking back into my house my mum pointed out that I was beet red haha

  11. He proposed to me when we were out with friends, and when I said yes, he lifted me up and KISSED me. I melted. I’m tall at 6 feet, so it’s not often that a man could sweep me up and lay one on me, but my husband can and did. And still does. I love getting on my tiptoes to kiss him and feel him just casually lift me up to him.

    It was good enough our friends did a chorus of Awws.

    I love that he can kiss me and give me goose bumps still after 17 years together.

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