Ok so bear with me on this! I feel like it should be in one of those ‘dull person’ groups!

I am aware that, when walking on a country lane with no pavement, it is advised you walk single file close to the side as poss and you do so on the ‘wrong’ side of the road – so you are facing oncoming traffic. I remember this from learning to drive so would assume (!) it is common knowledge.

However… What do you do on a regular pavement when you’ve got people coming at you? I was always under the impression you follow the same rule – whoever is facing the oncoming traffic goes to the kerb side as they can see the traffic better and would have more chance of moving out of the way if someone was about to mount the kerb.

No one in my area seems to do this and will always try to force you off the pavement or at least to the road edge. Not so much an issue if it’s just one other person and/or little traffic on the road but I live in an area where most people can’t drive for shit (I’ve nearly been hit 4 times in 2 years as a pedestrian, all at lights when I’ve got the green man… I don’t even attempt stepping onto a zebra til the cars stop!) and when you have groups and families and so on, many won’t even attempt to go single file. Today alone, in a 15 minute walk, I had 3 separate groups walking side by side expect me to magic myself off out their way or into traffic.

When this happens, ngl, I just move into the inner side and stop walking entirely so they *have* to move behind each other… Petty, yes. Satisfying? Also yes. Am I sorry? HELL NO.

I don’t mind too much if there’s a small loose child involved but these people could still often go single file considering how many of them there are and keep their offspring safe. Instead, I’m forced to walk with my back to oncoming traffic and that’s terrifying here.

So I’m curious – what ***are*** we meant to do? Am I remembering all the rules wrong? And what do you personally do?

Sorry for being boring!

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