Hey, guys. On two occasions, we’ve caught couples (two people together) stare at the three of us when we’ve talked on the bus. We aren’t super loud and we don’t discuss anything outlandish or offensive. I was asking my friend about work and this woman kept staring at us while turning to her boyfriend, presumably whispering about us. We locked eyes for a second and she looked like she wanted to scoop out my eyeballs with a plastic fork. It’s not like we take up too much space or anything. Our go-to seats are in the back of the bus. We dress casually, but not like complete hobos. So, what gives? Is it because we’re teenagers so they think we’re obnoxious? Is it our race? The only explanation I can think of is that one of my friends occasionally swears when she talks. Maybe that’s it?

EDIT: Okay. It was really dumb of me to ask why people might stare at us because there could be a million reasons why. What I really wanted to know was how to deal with it if the situation arises in the future.

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