I want to start by saying that I never thought I would even question or have such a hard time with this, but it comes to this day.

We have been dating for almost 5 years this February. Throughout the relationship, I have been very trusting with him; I never doubted him, and never in my life would I even think that he would cheat on me. That might be naive or dumb, but he never gave me a reason to, therefore I trusted him.

He recently started a new job, and his phone died one night. He was late for work, and then recently it happened again. His phone died, and I couldn’t reach him. I was worried that he would miss work again, so I tried calling him throughout the night and the morning. I woke up quite early, and since he started at 7 a.m. and I woke up at 6 a.m., I thought that it might be a nice gesture for me to stop by to make sure he is okay and is up and ready to work, or better, he already left and everything was fine

I went over to his place and saw that he was still home, so as soon as I went to him, I saw a set of keys and a woman’s bag on the living room table. As I approached the room, I saw that there was a woman in there. He continuously tried to keep me away from the door and told me that it was not what it looked like, etc. I saw her lying on the bed. He claimed that she was never in here, and only him and his friend slept in the room, who have left early that morning. He said that he asked her to sit and wait, that I am here and it might end badly, and he needs to talk to me. But lying on the bed? You have to be so comfortable to even do that. Things escalated: yelling, throwing, etc. She left the place, and he explained to me what happened.

He explains to me what happened: that they met last night, and she helped him with something, bought drinks, and wanted to have a drink. So he said that he would have a drink with her to show appreciation at OUR place (we don’t stay together, but in our place in the sense that I am there six days out of the week and buy things for it, etc.). He claimed that he told her he has a girlfriend and talked about me all night, then his friend came and they all chilled. She got super wasted, and he let her sleep on the couch. He claimed that nothing sexual or romantic happened and that it was just a drink.

My thing is first glance; for me, it was done and over. The one thing we promised in this relationship is that anything we can get through, but anything involving another male or female in any way, is off the table. I thought that I was set on it and would remain strong, but after a few days, it has honestly been hard with him. He keeps trying to fix things and promises that nothing has happened. I truly do love him so much, and it’s been 5 years that I had committed into this relationship.
If this was you, would you be able to forgive something like this?


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