So, I got out of a three year relationship about a year ago, and fell hard for someone this summer (that exploded), and now, after endless matches and texts, and ghosting, and games, anyway, terrible terrible luck to the point where it seems karmic. Weeks go by, the. one day this woman shows up at our house (we live in a seasonal worker’s house) and here this girl is, out my kitchen window, standing by the fire pit talking with a buddy. Instantly, she blows my mind. Energetically, she’s magnetic. For the past three weeks I’ve been pining over this lady, I feel like I could marry her and I barely know her. It’s fucked!

The current situation: after we had a good convo about her favorite book I ran into the kitchen and asked my roommate to burrow her favorite book (Dharma Bums) which he was supposed to be reading but never read. Anyway I read the whole fucking and followed her on Instagram, complimented her story, (she loved that it was a run), then, I asked if she climbed and she said she did (took like a week to respond and didn’t give me much). I 😍ed her story on Instagram like three days later and she said haha thanks and gave me her number (forgot to say I asked earlier). Then the other day I saw that she’s all spiritual living (which I love, and me too) and she was out in solitude and said something about not needing a man. So now I’m like, FUCK, she’s not looking to date right now? If that’s the case I still want to get to know her because of anything I’d PREFER to be friends for a bit if it meant a future with her.
So how do I ask her out in a world where women are so bitter of men and protective of their peace (which I understand) but fuck. I even wrote her a song and if I could find a way to deploy that on the right context that would be game started. I have a book that I’m publishing this spring (no, this isn’t it) and I’ve been workshopping it with my roommates I wonder if I should just give it to her to hear her feedback, or I should ask her out, and how is that done these days ? 😂

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