Partner Bragging about sex with other people, including work colleagues.

Hi everyone,

I’ve started seeing someone recently (2 months now) and while things are okay for the most part, I am unsure if they are narcissistic or autistic. I say this because there is a few things they do that give me some serious pause (e.g., acting very differently socially, getting very upset when I disagree with them).

One thing that made me consider them as a possible narcissist was the fact that they keep bragging about their sexual exploits to me and others. They told me they would hang their PhD in their bathroom so when they fucked people in the shower they’d know how they are better than them (not sure if bad joke, or genuine?).

They also brag about having had sex with people they work with, they also bring up these individuals saying things like “they are so cute, I love them”.

I was at a bar with her and her friends the other day and she said to her friend, at the bar while with me, that she has “fucked” her coworkers, multiple times. I was astonished and honestly felt sick. I didn’t know how to handle this. She was smiling, as if it was an amazing feat and she even laughed.

This makes me very uncomfortable. I tried to bring it up in a healthy way, but maybe didn’t do great with how I executed it – I said it makes me insecure, they immediately got on the defence and said it was a me problem. I even apologised about how i delivered my insecurities, they did not apologise for being defensive; they just said “it’s okay, you’re working on getting better at communicating”.

Should I break up with her? Is this a massive red flag? I’m not sure what to do.

TLDR; she brags about fucking coworkers to me and friends and seems very proud of this, worried she’s a narcissist. Could be autistic. Feel very uncomfortable with it. What do?

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