I work at the same job with my girlfriend, we dont live together (cultural norms) at the beginning it was easy to turn her on, we were usually kissing and doing extra stuff, right now we are 3 months into the relationship, i don’t see her turned on as much as before.

I don’t know what exactly to do to build the sexual tension or build the seduction needed to turn her on

Please keep in mind that we go dates to public places, we work together, and we leave together from work but we don’t live in the same house, the reason im saying that is because its harder to give her the “physical touch aspect” often unless we are alone in the car

We played “bdsm” game in the once, i know all of her sexual cues but i don’t really grasp the way that i should do things.

Another things is, i do that annoying thing were i become a bit childish and sometimes needy when im with her, before the relationship started she saw me more as dominant and masculine, i dont want that perception to change, is there anything i should change or do to keep that image in her mind?

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