Today yet again, I got dumped, blocked from all social media and told “to go die you bum”. This is about every week from her. For the last 2 years pretty much. I’m not a DR but I have a feeling she’s definitely super Bi-polar. I’m constantly walking on eggshells around her with what I do and say. She’s constantly bringing up friends I had months ago (who I don’t even talk to anymore because she asked me to stop) saying how she never liked them and I screwed her over spending so much time with them?? Like ok I can’t have friends lol? It’s like I do all this shit she asks of me but it isn’t enough. She always finds something else.

She constantly accuses me of going behind her back talking to other women, then says she’s gonna go out and f*ck another better guy… when I’ve been super loyal to her?? I just don’t understand. I’m not a perfect boyfriend but I try to be good to her, but it seems like she’s always finding issues with me, saying nasty shit about my body and family and saying how I dragged her life down and ruined her youth. Is this something I have to worry about for our entire relationship? I can’t imagine being 40-50 and still dealing with petty issues from when we were younger..

Once she cools off she apologizes, tells me how much she just wants me and gets crazy thinking of me with other people,but then gets mad that “I didn’t go looking for her and trying to make things right” but it’s just like…. Really? I feel like I’m pathetic at this point for even still staying with this woman, but it’s been almost 4 years and breaking up sounds pretty sad. I wanted to get some serious advice before I inevitably end up, falling into the same trap again.

TLDR: Girlfriend keeps bringing up past issues and dumps me nearly every day. Looking for advice please.

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