We’ve known each other for 15 years, married for 10. I work for Navy, not bad salary and benefits, so she quit her full-time job in our third year of marriage till now. We wouldn’t be together a lot of the time, and on the days I was away from home she was with her friends and other Navy wives on base. As far as I know, she gets along very well with them. So I don’t think she feels alone.

She had suggested having child before (four years ago) when the coronavirus was going around, so I told her it wasn’t the right time, than the matter was dropped. She brought it up again last Christmas and I didn’t answer her positively. There is a lot to consider during pregnancy, birth, and raising a child. We have struggled so hard to find balance in our marriage, a child may shatter that balance.

This morning we were chatting as usual and she said it was time to have a child this year, that it would bring us closer. I said it wasn’t as simple as she thought. She suddenly became agitated and yelled at me that I didn’t understand her. I tried to explain, but she became a little hysterical and kept cursing me with bad words. I didn’t respond to her and tried to calm her down, but she grabbed her phone smashed the glass. We had a big fight about it.

She gave me an ultimatum to divorce if we don’t have kids this year. But I don’t want to change our current life and I don’t think a child will bring me closer to her.

Really need some advice plz.

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