It takes two months in China, and which one do you prefer, Apple or Android?

  1. Depends on how much you make?

    For me about two weeks, making 15 per hour pre tax

    Assuming the phone costs 1k

  2. Android. Samsung Note 20 is what I have now, but I loved my S9+ also. It took me about 2 months to save up for my S9+. My Note 20 was an emergency purchase after accidentally destroying my old phone. It was a couple weeks saving and Christmas money added together.

  3. Less than a day. But I still don’t want to buy a new one to replace my iPhone 8. Feels expensive.

  4. I got off the “Apple Train” years ago. I was a mega-fan growing up, and my “bondi blue” iMac was my champion for many decades. I took that thing to 14 countries, treated it like shit many times, even accidentally left it out in rain once. It always booted right back up after I let it dry out.

    But I think recently Apple has gotten a little too greedy. Some of their products now are straight scams. A gold iPhone 13? Get right out of town. My grandmother’s iPhone 6 still works perfectly fine 14 years after she bought it.

    But the marketing team at Apple has put a lot of work into convincing you that everyone will think you’re the sexiest person in the world if you buy the newest model.

    Personally I go with Android now. If my Android busts? 15 minutes at the store, $100, and 20 minutes of my time before all my data is restored.

  5. It would be less than one month salary to buy it. But it’s way too expensive of a phone.

  6. I made the switch to android. I’m not paying more for a brand name. Wouldn’t bother me at all if Apple simply tanked.

  7. Depending on my workload anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

    I prefer Android, but I’m probably going to have to switch back to Apple for work related reasons soon. I’m gonna miss my Pixel.

  8. Going off the website, the model I’d get would be $800 if I absolutely had to get one for some reason, so a few days post-tax.

    I wait till they’re a couple generations old and buy a refurbished one though, I’m still rocking a 6s. I don’t actually use my phone that much so not much incentive to upgrade. So I’d never be buying one new for full price.

  9. Looks like it starts at $800?

    About two and a half days of my full salary, about three and a half days of my take-home pay.

    I prefer Android– I don’t want to get locked into Apple’s ecosystem, even if the phones are (currently) just as good or better. Android just has so many more options.

  10. A couple of days. I have an iPhone but I don’t have any particular loyalty to it vs an Android. I will say that my iPhone has worked longer and more well than my Samsung Galaxy though, and I don’t see the need to buy top of the line iPhone models – their secondary ones seem to work just fine.

  11. It would take about 20 or so hours of work. I’m by no means rich at all – I’d say pretty solidly middle class in most places that aren’t coastal areas, but I do have a higher average wage.

    Before I went back to college for a career change, it would have taken me a little over 53 hours of work.

    As far as Android or iPhones go, I’m not nearly as picky as I am cheap, so I usually go with a mid-level Android phone because they tend to have both a decent price tech and good specs. Some might hate to admit it, but Apple products have their merits outside of being a status symbol, but I still can’t justify paying more than $300.00 or so for a phone.

  12. I had to google the price. Not as bad as I thought. About 13-14 hours.

  13. It would take me like a week and a half, I’m not blowing that much on a phone though

  14. Gross income? About 3 days. Net? About 4.8 days.

    This is for the iPhone 13 Pro Max, so ~20% less for the base model

  15. I would need eight working days to get the money needed to buy one if I had no other expenses.

  16. Bout 2 weeks. That is assuming I have no bills. But with the payment plans offered by the carriers, I could get one tomorrow if I wanted. Then pay it off over the next year.

  17. It’s about exactly one paycheck for me, so 2 weeks salary.

    Most phone companies here will let you make payments on a phone though, so you get an extra $15-25 added to your phone bill each month, and you have the phone paid off in a couple years, or you can trade it in after a certain period, they take your old phone, refurbish it, and sell it, and you get a brand new one.

  18. Less than a day to earn enough to buy an iphone. I prefer Android, but I’m biased.

  19. I gave up on Apple some years ago when they jacked up the prices and realized some Android phones had come a long way and actually had better specs for less money.

    I don’t even know how much they cost now – like a million $ ?

  20. I googled the rpice of the iphone 13 and it came up to 799.99.

    So, an 800$ phone at my hourly rate, it would take me 17 hours before taxes.

    Also, I’d prefer an Android

  21. After taxes about 3-5 working days. It depends on how much my side business does that month.

  22. About 3 and a half days. And that makes me fairly average for someone with a college education.

    Generally I prefer Android because about half of the Apple products I’ve bought have broken in under a year.

  23. The raw cost of an iphone 13 is just a little less than the paycheck I take home for 2weeks of work.

    I buy android and i buy a Motorola because it’s not so expensive or fancy, last time I had to buy a new phone it cost me about 400 dollars.

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