hi everyone!

last january i met this super cute guy in my lab. we only talked once VERY briefly when we met, but since then we’ve had a couple of lectures together. usually we sit with our own friends in different rows/sections, so i’ve never had the chance to talk to him again without going out of my way. but i will say, we’ve definitely made eye contact before and i’ve caught him looking at me too.

flash forward to this semester! he’s in one of my classes again and i really want to start talking to him because i know i’ll regret it if i don’t before graduating. what would be a good way to casually start a conversation? is it likely that he remembers me, or should i just not bring up the fact that we’ve met before?

(also yes this is totally on me for not saying hi in lectures immediately after we met, but i was too nervous to in case he didn’t remember me. also also, i don’t work in the lab anymore so unfortunately i won’t see him there)

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