I’ll be honest, I gained some weight from a medication I went on due to health problems. I’m now off this medication and working on losing weight again. This is where our issues started because he doesn’t like my weight.

We’ve been together for 7 years. Married for 2.
The compliments recently stopped and the physical affection slowly did too. I could send him random selfie and instead of hyping me up, he said “cute.”

He posts blogs about relationships advice and it makes him sound so romantic , but he doesn’t do that for me. He said men should hold the door for women, which he used to do for me. But now he walks first through any door. He doesn’t hold me like he used to, he only cuddles me before bed. He said that it makes sense because relationship therapists are all divorced anyway.

I tried talking to him and expressing that I need more reassurance from him. He kind of brushed it off. I revisit the topic once again while making dinner and he ignored me. I started crying and he told me to get my tears away from his food, he’ll kiss me and compliment me when he feels like it. He also threw the remote and said I’m complaining too much.

Am I being too desperate? I don’t know what to do at this point or even if I can have a conversation about it.

**TL;DR** Husband has stopped complimenting me and doesn’t show me physical love enough. I try to ask for more but he gets visibly angry and I don’t know what to do.

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