This is gonna be a lot of yappin btw

For context, I’m a Sophomore (16m) and this girl is a Junior (16f or 17f). I only have one class with her, with the exception of lunch and a study hall. In the class we have we sit with other people and have assigned seating, so 90% of the time we interact it’s in a group setting.

I met her my freshman year and afaik we’re cool, catching eachother’s eye when we find something funny, cracking jokes, yk. Luckily, I’m not exactly in friendzone territory, since we don’t talk outside of the few times we’re around eachother. We don’t sit together during lunch or study hall since she’s with her friends and I’m with mine then.

So, I need help with

A) Finding the time to ask her out without being in the middle of a group. Someone told me to ask to talk to her when us and the group are walking to the class we’re all in.

B) How I would ask her out (Both of us are waiting on drivers ed, so we can’t drive 💀)

C) Getting over my fear of rejection, and dealing with the drama/fallout of getting rejected. Tbh I’m afraid of burning the bridge and getting clowned by our mutual friends.

The few girlfriends I’ve had have pretty much spelled it out for me they wanted to date me, and I have no clue how she feels about me, so it’s a total shot in the dark 🗿

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