Hey! Sooo basically me 20m and ex 18f split up after she ended things with me this year. It was a tough moment for me and she just gave an “its not me it’s you” excuse.

She said that she wants to find herself or some bs? What we had was really really healthy. Then a friend finds her tinder profile a month after and sends it to me. I broke NC to confront her about it and she denied it but her profile was verified! Then she texted me last week 2 days before my birthday hyping it up then wished my happy birthday on my birthday. I had her account restricted on instagram so I did not see her text till this morning. I thanked her for the happy birthday texts and went on with my day. And she asks what am I up to, asked how my birthday went and she then said she wishes she could get me something.

I have no clue what to think right now. Is she just feeling guilty? Is she trying to be friends? Or is she trying to get back together.

TLDR: Ex is trying to Happy Birthday her way back into my life??

  1. I don’t know but I think you’re worrying way too much about this. She’s your ex who dumped you. What she does now is her business and all you need to do is decide if you want to actually talk to get or not. If not, just block her.

  2. Eventual backup plan. She wants to get on decent terms so when she’s done with her tinder fun, you’ll still be an option.

  3. She wants to have you still be an option when her time on tinder ultimately ends so she can have her fun and go right back to where she left off I’d recommend breaking off contact

  4. Listen, she broke up with you to have freedom and part of that freedom consists of dating other people. She owes you nothing in terms of fidelity so I don’t know what the point of your friend sending you her dating profile would be.

    She’s a flighty teenager and what she wants changes with the weather. Don’t play guessing games with her. What do you want? Tell her that. If she’s not interested, move on. If you want nothing more to do with her, thank her, block her, move on.

  5. I hate being negative, but I do think she wants to keep you as a back-up option in case whatever else she’s pursuing doesn’t work out. In my experience, when people break up with you with the “I need to find myself” excuse, it means they need to find themselves in someone else’s bed. When someone breaks up with you, they’re telling you they don’t want to be committed to you fully. I used to get back with my ex until I realized that he didn’t *want* to be committed to me, I was just the person available to him when he felt lonely. When someone dumps you, listen and find someone who will give you the energy you deserve, someone who won’t make you wonder what their intentions are.

  6. she was single and doesn’t need your permission to go on tinder the second she broke up with you. Sounds like she wants a casual relationship so she can see others as well. If you are not comfortable with that then she isn’t the one for you.

  7. This is Long Distance Relationship (LDR)

    until you 2 are together in the same room …

    too many other things will interrupt.

    It is not viable now.

    Step it up or step it down

    Wish you luck and remember

    you like him more than he likes you

    (oh shucks}

  8. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. Break it off and go NC otherwise you will continue to be hurt like this over and over again.

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