My boyfriend (30M) and I (25F) have been together for 5 years now and have an 18 month old. We used to have sex all the time but recently, we’ve been going through a lot and both of us have been under a lot of stress. Which is understanding but he just stopped having sex with me now and its been a month. I feel like he keeps giving me excuses and I always have to be the one to initiate but he turns me down. He even said one time that whenever I ask multiple times, he only does it with me to shut me up or satisfy me to leave him alone.

Our relationship has honestly been on the rocks since we had a baby and that whole experience was a nightmare and he’s just been off about me ever since. He says that he’s still attracted to me and loves me but when he turns me down for sex I just get really depressed and start thinking he doesn’t love me or find me attractive. The excuses he gives me is that he’s not happy with himself right now or he’s tired and it’s easier for him to jack off then have sex with me, or that he doesn’t have time for me anymore/ can’t pay attention to me because of our daughter. I’m constantly telling me that just because we’re parents now, he can’t pick and choose where his priorities lie. We are just equally as important and my needs matter too.

I’m just sexually frustrated with him, none of my needs are being met and I feel like he doesn’t want me anymore. Am I asking for too much? More context though; I have a really high sex drive and he does not. We also don’t have a lot of help with our child and constantly have to take turns watching her to have a minute to ourselves if we need it.

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