Husband told me he smells poop every time we have sex. I have IBS and have been doing everything I can to treat it, and from a symptom standpoint, it seems to be working. I also wash obviously with soap and water in the shower, wipe with wet wipes, and have had laser so there’s no hair “down there” to hold onto smells. We can’t get a bidet on our non-standard sized toilet, at least I haven’t found one that fits.
I cannot express how much this has hurt my self esteem. He almost never initiates sex anymore – now I know why. I have felt so unloved and feel like I repulse him and I wish this was something I’d known I should be working on. We’ve been together nearly a decade, and he’s mentioned it once or twice, but it was always during sort of unplanned sexy time and I’ve always made a greater effort to be extra clean – using wet wipes etc. I got a handheld bidet and am going to start showering after every BM. But is there anybody else who has been through this and can help me? I’m devastated and ashamed. I feel so gross. I don’t know if this is a hygiene issue, a health issue (is it possible for even clean buttholes to smell??), an oversensitive nose issue… but going on like this, both of us feeling gross and me feeling unloved, is not sustainable so I need to fix this.

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