My boyfriend and I have been together over 6 months now and my best friend hasn’t been the most supportive of our relationship during this time. Throughout she has made it very clear to me that she hates him and has made many other rude unwarranted comments about his appearance. She recently told me that after him and I publicly posted photos stating that we were together that she was enraged and disgusted. She said the entire night she was raging but that she was also coincidentally extremely horny. It got to the point where she said she was masturbating while thinking of him and I having sex, for which she said she felt very guilty and apparently repulsed as she hates him. Later on in the conversation she asked what positions we’ve tried and how big his dick is. I can’t help but feel really disgusted and disrespected. She’s been my friend for years and never been in a relationship but I feel like this crosses a line. I don’t know how to approach the friendship from here on

  1. That would be a friendship ender for me personally. She sounds horrible and like she lacks basic social skills and empathy.

  2. The issues are threefold: her behaviour towards your boyfriend is, clearly, out of order; her weird fetishizing of your relationship; and the fact that she lacks all social grace inasmuch as she thought it appropriate to tell you about her own internalised spankbank of material.

    For me, all three would be deal breakers and I would, alas, be ending the friendship.

  3. Guess who has a secret crush on your boyfriend?

    And also guess who acts like an emotionally stunted Emu that says the quiet part out loud?

    Why are you friends with this person?

  4. I mean it’s obvious she’s bullshitting on the not liking him or finding him attractive and is upset/jealous you bagged that first.

  5. That’s not a friend. She is doing this to get off and now you are both part of a kink. It’s time for you to end this friendship.

  6. The fact that she got off to this is maybe whatever. Like people have their things. And fantasizing about friends is actually a big one. It’s the part where she shared it with you that’s honestly super weird. This is a keep to yourself thing unless it makes sense to share (ie. you guys are into it too)

  7. Why is this being shared. Tons of people masturbate to all kinds off shit but telling you in straight up weird. What does she want you to do with this information?!?

  8. i would end the friendship just bc of how uncomfortable i would feel after that. i couldn’t look at her the same

  9. Thats such a weird thing to say. Reminds me of college. I was fwb with some girl, one of my friends said she was gross why would i hit that. Fast forward to today, they’ve been dating for a few years now and i could see them getting married. Jealousy works in strange ways lmao but I think your situation takes the cake. I personally don’t know how she comes back from that

  10. Read the title and thought “oh the friend is asking for a threesome”. Read the body and now I’m thinking “oh the friend wants ya’ll to break up so she can have him” either way it’s definitely not appropriate

  11. Ummm that’s weird.. She may have unrealized feelings for you as she hates him. Or might have attraction to him just doesn’t wanna acknowledge it. But either way it’s a crossed line for me. Either lay it out there and say no more talk about y’all’s relationship with her and see where it goes from there. If you can build that trust up again. Or end it the friendship.

  12. It sounds like she has a kink where she gets off on guys she feels are beneath her. You are under no obligation to help her fulfill her sexual fantasies. Let her know you have no wish in discussing her sex life nor want to be included in it. If she can’t respect your boundaries then the friendship will end.

  13. That is not your friend. This is just creepy and when you walk away from this friendship (please, please walk away) you need to watch your back because there is something very wrong here. She’s not functioning in reality and you can’t trust her.

    Ugh, I just got shivers of grossness. Please take care of yourself & just move on.

  14. She’s in love with you and will be jealous of anyone who dates you, that isn’t her. She wants details so she can picture herself in his position and what you’d be like in bed.

  15. My guess is that she’s in love with you and is not handling the jealousy or attraction well

  16. Your friend might be in love with you. She doesn’t support your relationship and hates your boyfriend because she wants you for herself.

  17. A have a male friend who tells me he masturbates to thoughts of me and my FWB having sex. However, that’s the kind of friendship we have. We share our sex stories with each other, he’s asked for videos of me and my FWB (which he hasn’t gotten), and he’s outright told me he’d enjoy a threesome with us. But again, this is the kind of friendship we have. If your friendship isn’t sexualized and flirty like ours, then your friend’s comments seem highly inappropriate.

    I think the reason she acts like she hates your boyfriend is because either she wants him or she wants you. And maybe she wants a threesome with the two of you.

  18. If it was me I would not continue being friends with her. To me it seems like she’s jealous because she likes him and is trying to hide it by “hating” him. You can find a better friend.

  19. this has 3 possible outcomes;
    1) she actually likes your bf
    2)she likes you
    3)she has some kind of fetish and is moving forward to it, basically she either want to see you two do it or want a threesome.

  20. Wtf did I just read? She was so mad that she masturbated to you and him having sex? Sounds like she needs a man asap

  21. Wow, sounds like a real gem of a friend to trash talk your boyfriend to your face when he can’t defend himself and then to desire him sexually. Real best friend material right here.

  22. Who knows the reasoning, but the whole thing sounds very manipulative. She’s coming at you and your relationship from all angles of attack.

  23. This “friend” either wants your boyfriend or you. Maybe both, lol. Either way, it’s probably not a good idea to be around her.

  24. Umm, I don’t think the friend…hates him….she hates him dating OP…that’s different.

  25. She isn’t your friend and she doesn’t hate your boyfriend. She’s after him, she’s crushing on him and now wants a in on either an open relationship or a 3-way.

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