So there’s this really good friend of mine who has been there for me a lot. We talked a lot. (through text because he lives far away) My cousins would jokingly tease and say maybe he likes me. Initially I was sure I didn’t like him like that but at one point I started contemplating if I had feelings for him. Before we used to talk a lot but lately we haven’t been. It feels like he’s avoiding me. I have confronted him about it and he said it’s not like that at all..but it’s just very clear that it is. It’s not like he suddenly got busy. I can see him online till late at night but he doesn’t reply to me. Before we’d talk till late at night.. I am so frustrated about all this and I often feel like crying whenever I think about how we aren’t what we used to be.. before it even used to feel like he had some sorts of interest in know like he used to be eager to talk to me? But the situation has drastically changed and I don’t even know why. What I want to know is do I like him?? Or am I just sad because I feel like I am losing a good friend? Whenever there’s a notification I run to check if it’s him..when i find it’s not..I tear up more often than not .. It’s just very frustrating 😭

tl;dr: Do I have romantic feelings for my friend?

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