Why Has Her Drive Increased?

To sum this up pretty well – my wife and I are 21 F and 22 M. We’ve been together since we were 8 ( yes I know the stats on that make no sense, but we are very happily married and I’m not here to hear about our “ impending doom “ due to our age . )

About 7 months ago we hit a spot in our marriage that no one really understood because we’re a young couple and we basically forgot how to love each other correctly. We thought, well I did, that this would turn into a divorce.

Not long into this extremely dreading time my Reddit started suggesting NSFW accounts and I kid you not I looked at them once. One time. I realized those women weren’t any where near as attractive to me as my wife and I let that dog lie there. I didn’t masturbate, I didn’t have any sexual fantasies/desires about those women I just looked. Thats all.

About a week ago my wife found out and it killed her. She cried all night and thought that I didn’t find her attractive anymore and had fears I was going to leave ( mind you we’ve been fine for 7 months now ).

Dont get me wrong, I feel like a complete jack ass for doing what I did and it doesn’t make me feel any better that the one woman that I find the most beautiful thinks she’s disgusting.

But what is confusing me is the fact that she has been VERY sexually motivated since she found out. . . I mean we’ve always had great sex but she’s been, different, to say the least.

My biggest concern right now is she is having this HUGE desire for me to finish inside of her. . . raw. Which isn’t normal for her as she wants to finish school and have a successful life before we have children.

So I guess what I’m asking is for someone to kind of explain where this new found drive, wanting to try new things, and the finishing inside of her may have come from.

Did I do this to her?

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