I’ve noticed a global phenomenon, when you’re getting regularly harassed by a bully that’s much bigger than you (be it physical, verbal or both) they always come back after they realize they can’t get a reach for you due to circumstances and want to apologize and wish you the best.

Happened to me, guy abused me like a rag doll. Threw me all over the place, picked me up and slammed me in school, beat me up outside the gym then picked me up and slammed me again, called me the n word more times than I can count, harassed me on social media then finally after we stopped seeing each other after graduation, I get a message request on Facebook a few years after and he gives me the apology followed with a “not expecting you to respond but I felt it was necessary. You have good things coming for you, take care”.

Already could tell he was acting selfish by his language. Bullies know how much of an ass they were to their victims but still want to get on even grounds by giving you a selfish apology to appear more humane. I’m here still bothered by the events at my age now being 26. I still think about how I had to go to the hospital to get my eyes checked when he was punching me in my eyes when I was already slammed on the ground. Makes me hate being black to be honest.

I try not to be an emotional guy but when you’re getting beaten up regularly, it makes you wanna just self delete

I’ve thought about offing myself too many times due to this situation that happened to me. I just can’t get by it and I hate how he messaged me knowing full well that doesn’t change anything he just wants to feel better.

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