I am a 22m who has a co-worker whos an older woman(iirc, 45ishf) who I believe that is into me but I can’t tell. I am terrible at flirting cues and tend to reading too much into signs.

Imma try to list some of the times I notice she might have flirted/interested into me

* I work at a restaurant place and on the first night I met her, we both pass by each other yet didn’t say anything to one another, yet about an hour later, as I was helping someone carry something, she walks by and decided to jump in and try to help. As soon as we were done, she immediately introduced herself to just me. I introduce myself and we begin to chat while also doing some orders.
* a few times she tries to be playful and joking but it just made me kinda confused lmao, but i laughed it off. I don’t recall this how my age got brought up, I assume she just asked about my age and I told her I was “21” (at the time I was), then she jumps and made a slightly angry face(but it was like not a serious angry face, maybe it was more of a pouting face). I asked “is there something wrong with being 21?” and she goes “nothings wrong with that, its just that your younger than my son…” which I don’t understand why anyone would be angry at that fact that I am younger than your son unless she was into me in this situation.
* later on that night, she was already done with all of her stuff and the manager had her to help me with my stuff for the rest of the night, so we had more time to talk and get to know each other. As we were talking, she just looks at me and says “you know, I can’t wait to get home and take this…” she then pulls on her shirt, and motions it like she throwing it off (I hope that make sense). I just stood at her in a blank stare cause I didn’t really understand what she meant by that at the time and just said “yeah…”. she then tries to reiterate saying “i mean I can’t wait till I get home and change!”. After thinking about it for awhile, I feel like she was trying to be sexy/ flirt with me but I honestly I don’t know. anyways nothing really else noticeable happens that night.

After this, every time we work together, she has tried to talk to me and make small conversations and joke around where i continued to be confused at if she into me or not.


* I do walk to work, and she has told me twice on 2 separate occasions she wouldn’t mind driving me home (if we got off at the same time) which I find a little odd since I never had anyone offer to drive me home (other than closing at night which make sense, but she def didn’t mean this) and could also me she wants to get closer and private with me…but I might be reading into this one way too much… maybe she really **REALLY** wants to take me home 😛
* Another time we were talking and I asked her what time she gets off and said “3, what about you?” and I told her “2” and she made the same pouting face as before and i teased her “what? are you jealous I get off before you do?” and she just looks at me and whispers something along the lines of “no… its just that I don’t really like talking to the others here…” which on one hand, shocked, cause I didn’t really expect her to be so open about it, but on another not because I have heard other older people make fun of her before, which does sadden me and I tend to see she does have trouble trying to relate to some of the other older people there. This also indicate she trusts me and maybe some sort of intimacy.
* Oh yeah… that time she straight up told my boss “I LIKE HIM!” and I overheard my boss telling other co-workers, but I couldn’t tell if she meant Like as a romance thing, or just friendly, since everyone at my job likes me.
* she has mention she is divorced without me really asking her, might or might not be a sign.

they are some other things that I think may be signs, but I think there too minuscule to be included here

There has been no physical touching or any dirty talk between us, which I don’t really care since we have only talked at work and I don’t think work calls for those things.

But I am interested in her and been really wanting to ask for her phone number, but I am nervous due to the age gap, and I might be reading the signs wrong and don’t want to embarrass myself in front of her. Do you guys think she likes me and I have a chance and should ask for her number? Any other tips?


**edit: TLDR: heres a quick rundown of some of the signs**

* **she was the first to approach me and try to joke with me**
* **shes upset I am younger than her son**
* **she told me “you know, I can’t wait to get home and take this…” she then pulls on her shirt, and motions it like she throwing it off**
* **instead of me walking home from work, she wants to drive me home**
* **she basically told me she doesn’t enjoy talking with the other co-workers and didn’t want me to leave work**
* **straight up told my boss that she likes me but idk if she ment platonically or romantically.**
* **mention she is divorced.**

**want her number, dont know if I should or not.**

P.S. I been also wanting to leave this job sometime soon, so please do not give me “Never shit where you eat”.

P.S.S. I really hope she doesn’t read this, if she does… then Hello! ask for my number next time 😉

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