I have been with my wife for 18 years and married for 13 of those years. We have three children and have truly built a wonderful life together. But recently I asked if there has ever been anyone else. She confessed that about six months before our wedding a high school classmate got in contact with her. Although we went to the same high school I have no idea who this guy was and still don’t know who he is. They started texting and calling behind my back. He would fill her emotional needs. He made her feel good with compliments and telling her that she was his crush in high school. During the holidays our relationship was not the best and she broke off our engagement (this was for less than couple of weeks and she actually never told anyone about her breaking the engagement). She met up with him in person one time in what I consider a date. They went to a park, he bought her food, they walked and talked for hours, and they ended up in his car. There he offered up alcohol and confessed his feelings to her. They had one kiss then she pulled away and went home. Shortly after she decided for us to be engaged again. She never told me anything about this and we even kept our original wedding date. About two weeks before our wedding she contacted him to see how he was doing and that was it. She is extremely remorseful now but I am really hurt and am struggling getting over this betrayal. Am I right to feel hurt about something that happened so long ago? What should I do?

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