(23M) I feel like no matter how I try to present, I’m still perceived like I’m \~15. I’m a smaller, skinny fat guy (5’7, \~150lbs) with a total baby face and I get called things like “baby man” and “tiny king” on the regular. I have my insecurities, but try not to let others’ comments get the best of me.

Recently, I hit my breaking point: I was out running errands during the day and had security called on me while picking up my GF’s meds at the pharmacy. I’ve never had issues picking them up for her before, but this time, they thought I was a shithead kid from the nearby high school skipping class to try and buy/steal drugs from them. I was confused in the moment, but now I get it. I totally looked like a shithead kid, and it made me realize that if that’s how strangers are seeing me, God only knows how I look to my GF.

Since then, I’ve been feeling stuck- I have no idea where to start in overhauling my appearance. Personal care wasn’t prioritized in my household growing up, so I know literally nothing about taking care of myself, dressing well, or anything like that and it’s embarrassing to admit.

I’ve maintained my pretty limited wardrobe for longer than I’d care to admit: black t-shirts, joggers, torn skinny jeans, a couple hoodies. The skinny jeans get swapped out for gym shorts in the summer, but that’s about it. Nothing really fits properly or is my style, and everything’s old, torn, or faded- including all my socks and underwear.

I don’t want to feel like a kid anymore, but I don’t know where to start. I really like the rugged style of stuff I’ve seen from Huckberry, but it’s all out of my current budget.

Advice is very much welcome in what I can do to change, it’s safe to assume that I know nothing except needing to stop wearing such damn tight/small pants and underwear. How should I be dressing and taking care of myself to start feeling and looking like an adult?

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