Over the past year I have noticed a massive shift in my thinking, over really wanting to expand my knowledge base on most things. To understand all points of an argument

I’m just curious how normal this is. I’m kind of hoping that it’s maybe a sign of my depression brain fog lifting. It’s only been almost 30 years.

Better late than never, right?

  1. Yes, and there are so many resources on YouTube and the internet in general for so many things that you want to learn. We live in good times!

    If there is something that you wish to learn in particular, consider online courses and even graduate school.

  2. Oh I am totally increasing in curiosity. After age 30, I gradually have become more interested in the world.

    I don’t have enough time to travel everywhere I want to go. I don’t have enough time to watch/read/listen to everything I want to either.

  3. More skepticism causing me to look into things more. People just literally sprout bulshit as facts constantly. This also means that because I check shit and call them out , I’m now labelled the know it all 😫

  4. What are you interested in? That’s a pretty vague description? I mean.. yea you’re only 30. Of course your mindset is changing? You have different interest?

  5. I have been spending anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours every day learning both Italian and Latin because I was curious about them.

  6. Maintaining a childlike curiosity for things is an essential part of a happy life to me, if I ever lose that I’m as good as dead

  7. Things were much different when I was 19 and knew everything

    Now, it’s like: The more I learn, the more I realize I have left to learn.

  8. Sort of. It’s not that I’m curious about stuff, and more that I’m just so bored of living my life in a way where it’s always the same. I just can’t keep doing the same stuff every day because I’ll be sick of myself.

  9. Yes me. I’m just so interested about the world, different people and their different experiences.

    It’s partially because tech has allowed for information to be accessible. Just also general curiousity.

  10. My curiosity has historically been pretty high. Something I’ve worried about lately is a lack of energy to pursue it. For some reason my brain looks at all the things I want to pursue and how little time there is to make headway into it and just gives up. Taking a break and doing nothing is OK now and then, but I feel guilty because I’ve now been taking a much longer break from hobbies than I have in a very long time. I need to get a plan together to make some progress out of this hole.

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