My husband and I have been married for 10 years and we have two kids – ages 5 and 2. Having been married so long we’ve had our fair share of issues. But one thing which always happens when we fight is he always runs away, I’m usually the one who pours my heart out about what upset me and he, instead of sitting with me and addressing our issue just walks away and ignores me. After a day or two, he tries to talk to me as if the fight never happens. I put up with this initially but it’s led to 10 years of anger, resentment and pent up emotions on my part. We did counseling for a while and our counselor suggested what I was suggesting all the time- that we resolve our issues right away and not let the resentment build up. He did that for the few months we were in counseling but now all that’s gone again. How do I deal with such a person? Imo he’s just a coward who’s afraid of conflict and I honestly am finding it hard to live with a person like that. I keep thinking of taking the kids and leaving because at this point none of my emotional needs are being met and I’ve been feeling neglected for a really long time now. What would others do in this situ?

TL;DR : married 10 years but wife feeling emotionally neglected because husband is scared of conflict and just lets fights fester forever

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