I (34F) was dating a guy (38M) for a few months. Things were going well, and he had gone to Thanksgiving with my family and had made connections with everyone. I didn’t see him for a couple weeks because he was sick, and he told me he has a hard time this time of year.

When I did see him, he said he didn’t realize it had been that long, and that he really thought he was just out here. I had sent a couple texts that went unanswered the week before and he said he didn’t even realize he missed those. We talked about what to do if that happens again. I told him I was nervous he was ghosting me, and he said not at all.

We made plans for 5 days later, and he was going to come to my family Christmas. He asked me to meet his mom, and said he would schedule something. He messaged when he got home, and we each said we enjoy the other’s company.

That was it. I haven’t heard from or seen him again. I texted the day we were supposed to meet, called the following day, and texted that evening asking about it (nothing even rude, just saying that I thought we had plans). I texted again a week or so later to ask what’s happening. No response to any of it. I kinda think he blocked me sometime between the last time I saw him and the day we were supposed to see each other again.

I saw he unfollowed me on social media in the last week or so, I’m not sure exactly when.

I understand that I’ve been ghosted and am very hurt, but extremely confused.

Does anyone have any insight? This wasn’t a couple dates, we’d talked about things we wanted in our futures and all of that. He’d met and made connections with my whole family. I can’t imagine what could have happened that wouldn’t even have included a goodbye.

  1. Let him go. If he wanted to respond he would have. It probably got too serious too fast and it scared him. Don’t think it was anything you did or didn’t do. Usually the girls that do things right are the only ones who trigger an avoidants need to run. He most likely will hook up with someone who doesn’t trigger his fear. Someone who matches his toxicity level better.

    I know it hurts. Trust me, I was where you are now.

    A man who is into you won’t let another man have the chance to win you. Move on.

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