I know most would say getting a hobby, but I’m burnt out seem to be stuck. I just want to know how others are trying to find their way and be satisfied with what they have. Or whatever it is to not cry at night.

  1. If you don’t have thr energy to try…due to burnout or whatever, yet still find yourself crying about it – the best option is professional help (therapy)

  2. I decided to take on a second job working from home. Fills my empty hours and gives me something to do. Then I’m so tired I just fall in bed too exhausted to cry. Not the healthiest socially but I’m making money. I’ve tried hobbies and meetups but no luck with those.

  3. I think it might help to maybe unpack your day and try and find some time (even if it is 15 minutes) to do absolutely nothing! Like sit and listen to music or podcast or whatever but not do anything and enjoy being in your own presence! Then from there hopefully you like being with yourself so try and find 30 minutes to enjoy a hobby (painting, reading, cooking, working out) and explore those avenues by yourself. Then from there maybe build that up to an hour and join subreddits or groups around you that are doing something similar and build a friend circle around those hobbies. Overall definitely start small and stay consistent and like others mentioned therapy goes a long way to help unpack and build structure from a trusted outside source! Good luck! 🙂

  4. Idk exactly what “burnt out” means for you in this particular instance, but I deal with loneliness in all sorts of different ways, but most of them are hobbies. Here’re a few of my favorites:

    Video games

    Board games (my favorite is Catan, you can play online for free if you search a bit on Google)


    Puzzles (Rubik’s cubes & sudoku)

    Music (I sing & play piano)


  5. If you are burned out. That means basically that you have lost touch with yourself.

    I would recommend to do absolutely nothing. And just start with doing little stuff. But only if you want.

    And Try to meditate. It is an wat so you can deal the negative feelings.

    But if these things are not helping. Do not hesitate to get professional help ic its possible.

  6. I have good and bad days. Some days I don’t feel lonely at all and other days, I feel like the loneliest person in the entire world.

    The way I deal with it is by distracting myself like going out or by doing something that I like

  7. drugs, working out, video games, and spending money that i earn.

  8. Distract myself playing games, going running at night etc. I think first step is to accept how you feel and second step is what i can do to make it better. I recently got out of a long relationship, first thing i did was accept that I might not have company to do things i like anymore so might as well do them alone like going for movie alone, sometimes i go sit by a pond with hot coffee and enjoy the evening myself, initially you might feel uncomfortable but that’s normal as long as you’re at peace. I meet my friends in weekends or day offs so that helps a lot.
    If you feel burnt out take some time off, meet family and friends or even just go on a walk or travel to a park and just sit and control the chaos in your mind by treating yourself kindly.

  9. Start doing activities alone especially ones that might help you interact with people. I’ve started going to the beach alone and people talk to me every time unprompted. I never see them again but it helps to know strangers find me friendly enough to talk to. So

  10. Just on my bed, trying to sleep. When I am lonely, I don’t want to interact with or chat people.

  11. Honestly school keeps my too busy to cry sometimes. When I’m not busy, I go on Reddit, pretend I’m talking to close friends on here. It does the trick tho. Also reality shift/lucid dream. If I don’t like my world, I can just go somewhere else. Recommend Bumble BFF

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