“The world is not responsible for your triggers.”

This seems to be the running mantra with the current generation. While the philosophy certainly isn’t incorrect, it does seem crass in my opinion.

Though it is true that the world may not be responsible for it, I find it hard to imagine living though without caring about everyones triggers. I have lived my whole life making sure not to cross any ones triggers and if they ask me to do something a little differently or not at all, I have no problem accommodating it. This can range from anything like someone saying “that word really bothers me, can you not say it.” Doesn’t matter what the word is, I’ll oblige, I have no reason not to. Or someone saying, “I have a really bad experience or memory with that food, can you not eat it around me.” Sure thing not a problem. Or if I’m somewhere with my dog and someone says, “I have a really bad fear of dogs, do you think you can move him that way a bit?” Absolutely, it’d be a pleasure.

For the record, I used to have a few triggers when I was younger, but got over them. They weren’t ever accommodated, nor did I expect them to because of our society, but because of this, I will absolutely make sure I take all others into consideration as it just makes that persons life a little bit easier, which is a reward in its own right.

I feel this general attitude of respect for others has gone out the door in exchange for “I don’t care, not mine or the worlds problems, get therapy and get over it.”

That to me sounds like the rudest thing ever and while I may not have an obligation to listen, I would be disgusted with myself for discarding someone’s triggers, whether they are warranted or not.

The problem is that this leads to a lot of singular dynamic relationships in my life where I feel effort and respect is heavily tipped one way. I just don’t think I could ever allow myself to continue doing something in front of someone that triggers them despite it being my right to do it.

Maybe I’m abnormal, maybe I’m doing too much. Someone let me know what you think. Should I stop or continue this?

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