My (29f) boyfriends (27m) porn preferences are BBW, trap, black women w/ white men. His last gf was thicker and black, and the gf before was latina. I’m a white cis woman w/ blonde hair and am on the slimmer side. I feel like I don’t match his preferences. I do know that people can be attracted to more than one type, and porn doesn’t always mirror what you want in reality.

These reddit comments made me uncomfy:

* On a non porn related post he said that he found his car and his wife with one video
* in response to a trap post he asked where are the most popular places for trans women to live and said he wants to move there and find a wife
* he said ‘wife material’ in response to another trap post
* in response to a BBW post he said that he’d want to get their number and ask to make content (porn) with them

We’ve been together for 2 years. We recently had a convo where I said that my end goal long term is to get married. He agreed. This was our only convo about marriage.

Why is he repetitively thinking about other people as wife material? He’s never said the word ‘wife’ about anything that has to do with me. I listed all of the comments he’s made on porn subs, so 2/3 mention “wife”. I feel that if you’re in a serious relationship it seems inappropriate to comment that over and over again, it’s like you have wife-searching on your mind.

I’m looking to hear people’s perspectives on how you’d feel in this situation. Is this something that is porn driven & deviated from reality or is it problematic?

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