So me and my gf have been together for 5 years. We have a 3 yro lovely daughter and a house, also a cat and dog.. Our relationship has been going pretty bad the last year, and i have on multiple occasions tried to talk to her about it.
I ask why we dont have sex, she says is dont know.
I ask how can we make things better, she says i dont know.

I rarely get any answers, until she gets angry and lets all out.


Well yesterday was a gutwrenching day. We had an argument, and our argument headed towards our relationship, so she then for the first time said what has really been on her mind..
“I dont feel attrachted to you anymore, i dont want you to touch me and i want to break up”..
I felt like somebody kicked me in the stomach and the feeling has not gone away.
I tried to talk to her about couple counceling but she does not belive in that.. I also tried to say that i want to save our relationship, but she told me i am being annoying clingy and crazy.. 🙁

So as i see it, the relationship is probably doomed, and we should break up. But this was the first time she said anything like this, while she was angry.

Do you guys think i can start working on myself and the we together start working on our realtionship that it could work out?
The hardest part about this is, that we have a kid and a house together..
Once a girl has lost her feelings is there some way to save it or is it too late?

I feel so depressed, have not felt like this ever before. Feels like there is no future and i wont ever be happy again..


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