What’s a little insignificant thing in life that still bugs the hell out of you?

  1. I really can’t stand the sound of people popping their knuckles. I don’t know why, but it just really grates on me, especially when they do them in succession and it’s loud.

  2. When people throw dog poop in my empty trash can. I don’t care about other things like pizza box or empty water bottle. :/

  3. People who throw cigarettes out their car window. Besides littering, it’s just a lazy waste. And I’m not a fan of the smell of cigarette smoke.

    So along with that, people who puff their cig smoke in your general direction.

  4. When a client/your boss/manager changes the plan.


    Stop changing the fucking plan.

    We made a plan and now you’re changing it.

    I don’t care that there’s plenty of time, my brain was used to this plan and now you’ve changed it.


  5. Chewing noises. On the grand scale it’s not a big deal, but OMG it’s disgusting listening to people chomp things. Table manners y’all.

  6. I truly detest the smell of cologne (and perfume, but cologne is worse) and every time I can smell it on someone I’m immediately enraged. Especially because if you’re wearing fragrance I should not smell it unless I am very close to you and I try to never get that close to anyone.

    It is the worst smell in the entire world and I mean that. I grew up near a dump. I’m an angler, and a hunter, and a zookeeper. I’ve smelled some gross shit in my life. Nothing is worse than cologne.

  7. People not using their indicators when driving. The whole point is to indicate where going bc people can’t read your mind! Grrhhhh

  8. People who are first at a stop light and use that opportunity to mess with their phone or radio and are still doing that after the light turns green.

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