My girlfriend and I had a bust-up about me having a leaving meal with my ex-work colleagues (some of whom are females).

I think it’s ok to have it but she doesn’t think it is because it’s inappropriate.

She said that because one time when we discussed interpersonal dynamics between men and women, I said that men and women can’t be friends and that men befriend women because they want to sleep with them.

Now…I oversimplified there which has caused her to take it in a direction I didn’t mean. (instead of asking for clarification she will fill in the gaps with context that she believes fits which is quite often the worst context ever!)

What I meant was most of the time single men make an effort to be friends with women only if they have an ulterior motive (they want a relationship, sex, etc) and that a man’s friendship with a woman is capped at a certain level because they cannot bond over shared experiences most of the time and if they do, one or both parties will catch feelings.

She thinks men and women can be friends but because I said the above, she doesn’t want me ‘socializing’ with ex colleagues and who are women even in a mixed group.

I told her that I thought my statement was extreme and I agree with hers now and she said it’s too late. Can’t take it back.

Am I being manipulated?


Gf doesn’t want me to meet female ex-colleagues in a group outside of work hours because she thinks it’s inappropriate because I said in a general discussion about men and women that women cannot be true friends with men and men who befriend women have ulterior motives.

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