If you all could put the death penalty for one crime against women, what would that be?

  1. I don’t support the death penalty. I don’t believe that the state should be murdering people.

  2. I wouldn’t, because I don’t trust the state with the power to execute anyone, ever.

  3. Female Genital Mutilation.

    I might give some leeway to the doctor who does the Husband’s stitch (like losing their license and being forbidden to hold any health-related job instead, mostly because I fear way too many people would be put to death otherwise), but FGM as a whole repulses me.

  4. War rape, rape followed by murder, or if the victim is underage.

    (I don’t generally support the death penalty, except for very specific cases when the criminal is extremely violent and impossible to be rehabilitated.)

  5. None. No one should have that kind of control over someone else’s life.

  6. Rape, I come from Africa and I’ve become a statistic as a child and adult. That’s all. Rape. I don’t even know a single women who isn’t affected.

  7. rape. i believe raping someone is worse than killing them. the humiliation and emotional trauma that person has to live with is endless torture until they die naturally.

  8. I’m 100% for the criminal icing themselves off preferably before they have a chance to bleed millions of tax payer dollars going to court which is a broken system anyway and the odds of them not getting charged with anything because of something stupid is really high up there.

    However, if it was a perfect system then the usual like murder, rape, crimes against children, crimes against animals and I would want it to be done right away right after the guilty verdict not years from then.

    To add if it was a perfect system, there would be no wrongfully charged and innocent people being convicted or punished but since it isn’t a perfect system…all for the criminal committing suicide.

  9. I’m against the death penalty for rape because of potential false convictions and because men would just kill the women they rape more often, but I do think all rapists should just magically drop dead.

  10. Rape and female genitalia mutilation. It costs more to execute a prisoner than it does to keep them in prison for life in America. Ultimately I’d prefer people suffer the same crime they inflicted on another, but that’s not realistically applicable. We put down rabid dogs often without question, so if a human is a monster who inflicts emotional and physical pain and terror in another it’s best they cease to exist.

  11. I do not support the death penalty. The state cannot be trusted not to kill the innocent.

  12. The death penalty is abhorrent. The state should not have the power to execute anyone. Prisons already struggle to acquire the medicine for lethal injection and doctors to administer it.

    There are many crimes that I find disturbing, that enrage me, and that I think someone should be punished for. But, I’m a firm believer in mental healthcare and think that everyone should receive help and rehabilitation.

  13. i dont think that the death penalty is ‘right’. Its like punishing someone with a nap, i’d rather make them live with the guilt and shame in the back of their mind for the rest of their life, with people constantly nagging about it.

  14. The odds of someone being falsely convicted out of spite are not negligible enough to make a death penalty a good idea. However, I could get behind a death penalty for the people who explicitly sign their names onto legal bills that harm women en masse.

  15. It took me a long time to come off the fence over the death penalty. There were a lot of ethical reasons against but the final tipping point was someone kindly pointing out it costs the taxpayer more anyway (the one argument for it previously that had no counterpoint) So…no one.

    Hypothetically, death penalty is brought into law and I have to be the one to decide who it’s for, if I could not answer “no one” then my answer would be:
    a) the politician that brought in the death penalty
    b) myself, as the person playing moral arbiter with it
    c) “mass” or “serial” anything. Eg. mass murderer, serial rapist. With sufficient evidence, no appeals.

  16. Rape. But before his execution, cutting off his penis is a must.

    Sorry not sorry

  17. I saw this and knew most everyone was going to say rape. And I agree

  18. None, because the death penalty is the opposite of any kind of justice. Why? Because our justice system is unreliable, and the rate of people exonerated on death row is shockingly high.

    In other words, whatever satisfaction you get over killing someone guilty is outweighed by the injustice of killing an innocent person.

  19. I wouldn’t.

    Revenge does not equate to justice. The law should do its best to reflect justice and rehabilitation, not bloodthirst and revenge.

  20. I don’t generally believe in the death penalty purely because of the fact some innocent people may be killed and it is irreversible (also because I don’t think it’s good for anyone’s job to be killing people).

    That said… The kind of murder where woman are abducted by a stranger, raped/sexually abused and murdered is a particularly heinous one for me. If we knew without a shadow of a doubt who did it, I don’t think they deserve life. In fact, I’d be quite happy for other prisoners to give them a horrible time before they’re put to death as well…

  21. Rape. It almost always leads to further rape and violence. If you cut him off after one offense, he won’t ever hurt anyone again.

  22. RAPE.
    They are RAPERS. R A P E R S

    Stop calling them rapists, like it’s an art form

  23. Rape, but only if it is absolutely proved that it happened because sometimes women accuse men who are innocent.

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