So I deleted the 2 previous posts as my lawyer asked who all I told cause it would be best to not let her know until in court. I’m sorry for anyone with out any context.

So she got home about 2 in the morning last night I was at the house with the boys. She asked if I’d stay the night to help take kids to school in the morning so I did. She then asked if I’d take off early from work to pick kids up so she can catch up on sleep from “working” so I did.

When I got a couple of her boys picked up she tells me her water just got shut off from not being paid l. We get to her house and one of the boys straight up told me mom’s was on a date this weekend and she wanted yo to think she was at work.

So the cat was out the bag there was still 2 boys to pick up my boy and the youngest the child from the affair.

I go up and tell her what he said I said I don’t want an explanation I’m not mad I don’t want to argue I’m just telling where I stand.. I started to tell her she starts to argue and says yousaid you would take care of me and the kids. I cut her off said I’m not arguing I’m saying this and leaving kept it short.

It is her day with my son but I told her I was getting him due to her water being off if she finds a way to get it turned back on let me know until then he will be with me. Went and picked up my boy and we just got home.

I honestly feel a great weight lifted from me by actually telling her I’m done which is the first time I’ve actually told her that. I’ve said it to myself many times but never followed through

Thanks for everyone’s advice and opinions. It honestly help give me that last push I needed to actually follow through.

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