So I’m very confused and have been thinking about this for the last couple of days.

The other day me (18m) and my friend (17m) were alone when he asks me if I had ever thought about what it would be like to give a BJ. I kinda just said no not really blah blah, not completely true but unimportant here. Anyway fast forward a bit and he’s saying surely you’ve thought about it so I ask him and he says he’s curious…

He was just saying he wanted to feel what it was like etc. I should mention our humour is often quite sexual anyway so it makes the lines a bit blurry here.

Then he’s making eye contact and saying pants off. Out of context this would clearly be a joke but I’ve been questioning this. In the moment I can’t really remember what I was responding to but I remember having to say no several times. I think I may have got a bit red and awkward just cause it was so unexpected.

This has been playing on my mind ever since wondering what he actually wanted, was he just trying to tell me that’s how he felt or did he want to give me one? We would both call ourselves straight.

Any advice?

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