So I met this girl at an event and I knew she was into me so I invited her on a date. I didn’t know her age, I honestly just thought she was super cute and liked her. We went on our first date and it was great.

At the end of the date, she told me that she had something to tell me that was on her mind and she asked me my age and then told me hers. She seemed a bit concerned that I wouldn’t want to date her because she’s older which isn’t the case.

I thought she was super cute and interesting so that didn’t change a single thing in my mind but I don’t have any experience dating older women and I don’t know if you guys can share your experience.

I think I’m probably overthinking it but the two things that I can think off the top of my head is that I’m a bit worried that our sex drive might not match as I’m thinking that hers might dwindle earlier than mine. This could totally be wrong, I’m just making assumptions. Also, if I’m thinking about the future, I have this concern of getting older and thinking about how the dynamic might evolve.

I don’t want kids neither does she and she doesn’t have any so that is actually perfect for me.

I’m seeing her again next weekend, I’m looking forward to it!

Update: Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate all the support!


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