me (F21) and boyfriend (M22) broke up, should we get back together after our relationship went public?

So me(F21) and my (ex)boyfriend (M22), we have been talking for a while now since the beginning of January; it’s now February, and we talked so many times through chat, but we’ve only talked twice face-to-face until there was a trip done by our university, and I wasn’t going to go, but I found out he was going, so I pulled some strings, and I ended up going, and during that trip, I did something that passed him off, which was walk around with another guy who was just a colleague, and he didn’t like that, because later he expressed to me that it pissed him off. Later that day during the trip, we decided to talk, and then while we were talking, we decided to make it official. he gave me the choice of either we make it official or we give each other more time and I told him that I wanted to be official , around that time we we were talking for around 2 weeks every day so after that I ended up telling the guy that I was walking with during that trip that me and him became official and i shouldn’t have done that but I think that guy went around spreading the word and keep in mind me and my boyfriend agreed on not telling people and keeping it small between our circle and not let people find out in our uni as it’s such a bad toxic environment and people love shit talking so when the word spread he kept it for himself for like one whole week as some people who he does not conversation with were asking him if he was dating someone and that pushed him off and he decided to break it off with me because he didn’t like that
I have a feeling that the reason we broke up was because of me because maybe I should not have trusted that guy and told him that me and my guy are together, but at the same time, I feel like it’s not my fault that that guy broke my trust and went around telling people, but that’s also something I’m not 100% sure of because I did not go on to confront that guy, so I still have feelings for my boyfriend or my ex-boyfriend, and I don’t know how to deal with them. Should I go and talk to him and ask him to get back together, or do I not?
But the one thing that’s making me not move forward with the move is that this was our first ever obstacle, and he fully backed out, but at the same time, this is his first ever relationship, so I don’t know if I should judge it based on his personality or if it’s because it’s his first time and he didn’t know how to deal with it. I really like the guy who checks my boxes. He’s the sweetest; he cares, and I really, really like him.

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