Ex (28M) broke up with me (26M)

We dated for almost 7 years. On New Year’s Eve, he came over but we had an argument and at one point, he said that his friends found me toxic for him. I felt betrayed. And ofc it hurt that he listened to what his friends had to say about our relationship and used it against me. He knew i was the soft one so when he said it to my face, i felt very very low. To calm myself down, i headed into my room and just a few minutes after, i went to see if he was still around but he wasnt there anymore and not even a text to tell me had already left. Around 2am on jan 1, i called him to check on him to which he said he was done with me, he didnt want anything to do with my anymore. I cried so much on the very first day of the year. Ff to a month later, i found myself not reaching out, not even once. He did, tho, once, to ask me how i was and how work was going and i told him everything was fine and that was it. The past few days i was fine but at this point (one month later), idk how i should feel. Should i be hurt that were over? Should i be sad? I keep waiting for that day when the emotions will come and wash over me (tho i admit im scared at the thought that maybe i will eventually feel that way) but it hasnt arrived yet.

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