There is this girl I like and she is honestly a very sweet person. However, it feels like all we ever talk about is her. The one time she asked about me I was taken aback. Is the “manly” thing to do just not care about it? As a man am I supposed to just always be fine?

  1. Most guys I know would be over the moon if they were asked out, myself very much included.

    The confidence boost would be insane and honestly there’s a 90% chance I’d say yes.

  2. Nope. It’s totally normal to expect questions back. If she was interested in getting to know you, she would be asking questions to get to know you. The fact that she only talks about herself is a good indication that that’s where her thoughts are and what she values in life. Your relationship will revolve around her wants and needs, with yours not being given equal weight.

  3. Woman here, and no, it’s not wrong to want her to and questions about you.  She should be just as interested in learning about you as you are to learn about her.  If you like her, I’d say this is with a conversation.  But conversation is a two way street, so if it doesn’t get better, you should ask yourself if you want to continue with someone who shows little to no interest in getting to know you.

  4. That’s a red flag, I think. If she doesn’t ask questions about you, she doesn’t care to get to know you.

  5. I have had a couple girl friends in my friend group that talk A LOT! They rarely ask questions. These girlfriends are both very pretty, date lots of men but rarely relationships. I assume this is a factor. They just assume you’ll bring up something to talk about if it’s on your mind, like they do. Her not asking has nothing to do with manliness and I bet if you watch her with others she’s the same way.

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