So for some context my gf is going on a solo trip out of state with this “friend” that she met at an event in my town a few weeks before we got together. At first I was cool with it given that this planned beforehand ok,cool. That’s to say after that things got a little weird…

The timeline is that my gf is going to visit this “friend” on a solo trip before going to a similar event like where they met in the future a month after this trip. My girlfriend stated that the her friend was being a little flakey about that future event and decided to invite me stating that her friend should be cool with it. My first reaction was that I don’t want to get in the way of that but my gf reassured me that it’s ok and I won’t be uninvited. I leave it be for a couple days then BAM just like that I’m uninvited.

At this point I’m a little bit flustered as my gf stated she would be cool leading to believe she knows this friend less than she thinks.. When I voiced my displeasure all hell broke loose. She then stated that this friend was guilt tripping her and made her feel horrible for inviting me on the premise that it was a girls only trip and that she didn’t want to be a third wheel. This caused my gf to not invite me to this event. Not to mention that my gf felt as if the friend was making it seem like it was all or nothing me or her and there was no comprise to be made..

To me this screams of manipulation and some weird possessiveness that shouldn’t be there especially with a person you have just met and know little about. To me this is a huge red flag that can’t be ignored. My thinking is that if she was able to convince my gf what else could she get her to do?

So far the solo trip is still on but my gf has come to me multiple times seeking advice on how I should proceed but I’m at a total loss. My girlfriend is just starting to open her eyes at the situation but still wants to give this person a chance.

Should I be worried? Is there something I am missing? I don’t want to read between the lines but something feels off. Any guidance would be appreciated.

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