He’s clingy, he’s always insinuating I’m cheating or whatever the hell he thinks is going with (whoever? Everyone but him?). I’m a tomboy. Change my clutch line and bleed brakes on my own kind of chic. Women don’t like me. I can’t keep a girl friend for the life of me. Yet I have all these guy friends. One I’ve known since I was 3 months old. My husband always suspects something is going on. My life long friend messages me to ask for advice on this girl he recently started dating. Date 3, he really likes her…. That kind of messaging. And I’m “flirting with him”

bruh. Chill out. Read what is going on. Do you have advice for him?

Does he want to read it? No, just the sentence he read over my shoulder. that’s all he needs to see to know I’m flirting. It’s comments like “oh you’re wearing that to work? Who are you flirting with? And I can’t get mad apparently because he’s “joking and getting defensive proves my guilt” it’s 104 outside, I’m Canadian by birth, living near Mexico now, and he think I’m NOT going to wear a tank top to work where I don’t get to sit down? I know this sounds like it’s all the time, but it’s not. When it’s good, it’s fkn awesome. It really is. He’s the only one who can make me laugh the way he does. I know he loves me. He proves it in so many little ways. But he alienates me from my friends because they’re all guys, he doesn’t trust them. Ive had a couple of guy friends hit on me knowing I’m married. I ended the friendship right then and I told my husband about it. I’ve never cheated on him. I don’t want to. His only competition is Lord vakko. LMAO. and not really competition, I won’t tell my husband he would beat Lord vakko too.

I don’t have any family here. All my family is hundreds of miles away. I dont have any women friends. I feel alone. Even though he’s always up my ass. Which is awkward because he has his foot in his mouth at the same time. So there’s this weird knot digging into the side of my…. Nevermind. You catch my drift hopefully.
What do I do y’all? I can’t ask anyone here..
Edit: thank you everyone for the genuine advice and insight. I got a couple things to ponder on from responses. I really do appreciate it.

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