We had a great time last year seeing several concerts and a few of them we even road tripped to go see. So I bought up this week let’s look as more concerts for this year. So we were looking and found several we liked that we both wanted to see but one boy band she liked as a kid was coming up and I told her I have no desire to see them but had some other bands we could see together.
She just focused on the one I did not want to see and found a friend to go with her and booked it.
Now my feelings are hurt because I brought concerts for us to see and experience and the only one she was interested in was the one that did not involve me. I want to bring it up to her but I’m not sure if I’m overreaction or not.
So am I just over reacting and should just get over it? Or should I tell her it hurt my feelings and probably ruin the concert for her now

Thank you all for your feedback and prospective! I’m letting it go and will focus on her being excited about her girl trip.

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