I’m a college student who, well isn’t very financially stable. Recently I’ve been spending way more than I’d like to on dates with a girl I’m seeing. And I really like her. But I’m spending more than I’d like to.

How do I tell her, if I should tell her at all, that I’m spending too much and want to take it easy on the type of dates??

  1. Are you in the position where you can go on dates where the costs can be minimised. For example does your GF have an expectation that every date requires a financial outlay or is that something you consider necessary as etiquette.

    You can state that you have a money management plan whereby you have a certain amount allocated for discretionary spending, and you need to keep within the allocation.

    Be honest and polite and I’m sure everything will be OK.

  2. Plan dates that aren’t expensive. Shouldn’t be that difficult.

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