
I went to the gym with my brother this morning. For context: This gym is at a University campus. Most people there are in their 20’s and some are younger/older, most people between 15-30 y/o. When my bro was doing his sets I removed my jacket and went to place it at our locker. On my way there I had short eye contact with this girl, who approached me when I turned to go back to do my sets.

She said (and I’m not kidding): “Hey, I think you’re really attractive, do you have a girlfriend?”
I was pretty shocked and answered no, and she then asked me for my number. I then politely declined, and kept going. Shortly after that she left, I know this because a few minutes after what happened, I went by where she was to put my keys in my locker as well (I forgot putting them there the first time) and when I went by, I saw her heading towards the exit and leaving.

She was very attractive, she had an athletic body and a beautiful face. Main reason why I said no was because I wasn’t sure if she knew I was 16, I wasn’t sure how old she was (if I had to estimate – 17+) and it was just a shock to me – I felt a little awkward, and the polite no I gave was really just a reflex, when I think about it in retrospective I wish I said yes, or asked her how old is she at least.

When I think back to that moment, I have so many thoughts. Was she trolling me? Was she seriously trying to hit on me or did someone dare her? If I see her again, I will definitely approach her and ask.
When I told my friends, they said one red flag was how she asked for my number, instead of my Instagram, which is what most young people ask for these days, which might either mean she’s on the older side, or wasn’t actually serious and was just trolling. (Of course, she could simply not have one, or preferred my number instead).

A few notes:

I’ve seen her at the gym multiple times before, and I suspect I’ll see her again.

I consider myself an attractive guy and so do many of my female friends (This is important to know, that way I know she likely approached my because she thought I was genuinely attractive, maybe she wasn’t trolling.)

She was alone, it’s not like she had girlfriends around her that could dare her to do something.

She seemed older than me.

The age of consent in my country is 16. (I’m of legal age.)

I will definitely approach her next time I see her to try and clarify things, ask her age, her name and see if she’s still interested. What would you guys have to say about this? Any suggestions on what to do?

1 comment
  1. I would say this probably isnt the first time this happens to you, nor will it be the last. Use this to your advantage and try not to have a gf while you are able to attract women this easily. Just lessons I learned from my youth.

    As far as what to do, tbh, I think this opportunity has come..and gone. I dont think she is one who is usually rejected or even one to approach men in the first place.

    I think you’re right that she may be on the older side but mostly because of the way she approached you. My guess is she may have mentioned you to friends and those friends probably told her she should just go for it next time she sees you (nothing sinister i think).

    And the number thing, well, if you have seen her at the gym before and have never seen her take selfies or vids of herself working out, she probably doesn’t spend much time on SM or maybe doesn’t even have an Instagram.

    I recommend you leave her be. Move on. She most likely already has moved on. If by the off chance she approaches you again..or even just says Hi…start by saying Hi back and just telling her your name. If she reaponds and keeps the convo going then cool. If she keeps going, its over bud.

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