bf mad my gay manager hugged me

My manager at work is a gay man. I am a 22F and was recently robbed of $100 at work. When my manager found out he was upset for me and said he’d look into it. He tried to console me and gave me a slight side hug. When I told my boyfriend about this he completely blew up saying he’s not okay with other men touching me and that it’s inappropriate. i told him this man is gay, i don’t get why it’s bothering you so much or why it’s disrespectful. he said he would never be okay with it and i told him that’s an insecurity he needs to work on. he took that very personally and i can’t get through to him at all. he said i had to promise him it won’t happen again, i said sure, but this just means next time it happens i won’t tell him, even tho i’m sure it won’t even happen again anyway.

tldr: my boyfriend got mad i broke his boundary and let another guy touch me. the guy in question was my gay manager who was consoling me after being stolen from at work.

am i in the wrong here for not respecting his boundary or is this considered controlling behavior?

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