I’m (27M) currently having a lot of attention from women again after fixing some things in my life. I want to have my fun now that I’m doing well in life and go about dating the safe way. In the past, I always got into relationships fast. I used to wait till they started pushing for relationships and asking for exclusivity. All three of my past relationships, we would be inseparable outside of work by 2 weeks to a month. On my end, I wanted to lock them down because I was highly attracted to them and didn’t want them dating or having sex with other guys. I don’t like hooking up or ONS because I don’t trust anything about those women.

Now that I’m older and doing well for myself I want to draw the dating phase as long as I can and keep interest high. I have friends that do this all the time but I don’t want to ask for game from the guys.

I’m mature enough to let women go but how do I stop getting oneitis? How do I draw the dating phase and learn more about them before committing. What’s an appropriate timeframe to commit to a relationship?

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