Edit: Is he genuinely Interested or not and it’s just for sex?

TL:DR: A guy ghosted me after I showed affection, then came back and had been consistent in communication ever since I showed no interest.

Been dating a guy for over a year now (after 3 months, he ghosted me for 2 months and came back), it started off strong but I guess I become a bit clingy and it pushed him away.

I never initiated conversation anymore after that, but if he messages I reply. And from then on he keeps giving me his life update atleast once a month, and would set up dates for us, cook for me, bring random gifts (some are casual, some nights we hook up). If he goes on vacation he gives me updates and messages me the moment he lands (I didn’t ask for this) Also, I saw him on the dating app recently. And I pretend I forgot the things we did (because after the ghosting, i don’t want to appear interested anymore) and he would always tell me, “remember when we did this, or you used to like this before, etc” and I just tell him, I forget things easily. I even told him I am not supposed to meet him, and he asked what changed my mind, and I told him I was just horny (my reason is if I appear interested he might just vanish again).

When I do sleepover in his house, I will usually rush back home early morning, and he always asked me if I could stay a bit longer and ask why am I rushing, i always reason out like I have work to do, or feed my cat, etc.

Men of reddit, what are your thought process on this? If it’s sex, you can clearly get it from someone. Or Am I just sabotaging it by making it seem like I just dont care?

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