We’ve been together for 2,5 years now and all was good until a year a go where I kinda stopped having sex with him. At that time I was also sick pretty often so it was natural for me that I wasn’t really in the mood. But now it’s been a year and I realised that I don’t get turned on by him anymore and I don’t know how to fix that. I really love him and appreciate him but for him it’s also hard because he has a high sex drive and he gets pretty frustrated lately – which I can totally understand. Now I haven’t been horny in general since then but like a few days ago I started getting horny again – but from the thought of other men. It hurts to think about it but since he also mentioned to stop dating many times because maybe it’s just not meant to be I’m now thinking about it more and more often. I feel a bit helpless right now. How should I communicate this? I’m so damn scared to hurt his feelings.

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